Wednesday, October 13, 2010

All about : The best places to go in Costa Rica

Costa Rica is rich in natural beauty and is known for its beaches, but some of the best places to go in Costa Rica is the road less traveled. Costa Rica lies between Nicaragua and Panama in Central America and has both Pacific and Caribbean coast. rich coastline and fertile volcanic hinterland, rich in tropical forests, perfect for ecotourism and adventure. Before heading to Costa Rica, you may want to get some useful phrases in Spanish to help you get around a little easier.Some of the best places to go in Costa RicaCorcovado National Park
Corcovado National Park is located in the Osa Peninsula on the Pacific coast of Costa Rica. It has the largest rainforest in the region. The diversity of tropical flora and fauna is perfect for shutterbugs. You will see many tropical wildlife and even pilot whales and migrate. With over 120 species of mammals, over 370 bird species, more than 100 reptile species and more than 60 species of freshwater fish, you will not miss a photographic topic.
The lodging choices are just as diverse as the wildlife here. You'll find accommodations, from small cabins with shared bathrooms with luxurious villas.Monteverde Cloud Forest Preserve
We must work for the reward of visiting this great cloud forest. It is over 100 miles from the steep capital of Costa Rica in San Jose and will be a four-hour drive on mostly unpaved roads. Santa Elena is the town closest to Monteverde Cloud Forest Preserve. You will want to deposit your settings there. The best way to make sure you see everything you can to be arranged through your hotel, get a guide takes you through the cloud forest. Tropical plants tend to combine well with their surroundings and have a guide to point them out will make the hike that much more enjoyable.
For the less energetic travelers who would prefer not to hike, sky tram ride is available through the tropical forest. Adrenaline junkies might even like to take the zipline on the way home! One of the great benefits of taking the tram sky is the great view you get of the Arenal volcano. You can even get the chance to see it explode.Lake Arenal and Arenal Volcano
Lake Arenal is the largest lake in Costa Rica and water sports abound here. For those seeking a romantic getaway, ride horses on the beach is also a possibility. Since the Lake Arenal is out of the way, reservations at fine sites deposit is not difficult to obtain. Arenal Volcano (Volcán Arenal) is a very popular attraction. Erupts several times an hour and watching the lava flow at night can be quite a spectacle.
If you're planning a visit to the Lake Arenal, you may want to look at the Tabacon Grand Spa Thermal Resort. This resort was built on natural hot springs, but added something more. They diverted the springs private pool ideal for holiday couples seeking private time together in a relaxed atmosphere. Some of the other offerings that make this one of the best places to go in Costa Rica is a massage near a waterfall and the Grand Spa, where you can enjoy a massage and hidden among the local tropical foliage. For the more social visitors, there is a pool bar you can swim up or El Palenque lounge where you can spend your evening enjoying choose a drink while watching the lava flow down the volcano Arenal.
While a stay at Tabacon Grand Spa Thermal Resort is not just eco-tourism can make for a relaxing break after hiking through a cloud forest and zipping through the tree tops on a zipline.

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