Wednesday, October 13, 2010

All about : Major Travel Sites in Japan

Discovering East is fascinating; To spend time planning your trip to the examination of large areas trip to Japan is the key. Whatever season you choose to visit this wonderful land of the rising sun, you're sure to find many attractions novel. Wonder of Japan
The islands of Japan - Honshu, Shikoku, Kyushu, Hokkaido and thousands of smaller ones - are in the Far East, the Pacific Ocean. Korea is the closest neighbor, and China, Russia and Taiwan are also nearby. Japan, the size of California, has 128 million people. 78% of the land is mountainous. Fuji, Japan's highest peak, is perhaps the most famous volcano.
Although Japan has led the world in modern technology, customs and attractions are still in the 21st century. A mixture of old and new, this Asian country is like no other. In each train station, business men and women talking on mobile phones, high school students dressed in uniform listening to iPods, and kimono-clad women led by the traditional tea ceremonies, may all be present. Arriving in Japan
Check travel advice and low prices of air travel, as you make your reservations for flights to Japan. A travel agent will be happy to assist you as you consider your itinerary.
Many flights fly directly to either Osaka or Tokyo, Chicago and Minneapolis. The flight time is about 13 hours nonstop.
If your stay falls below 90 days, no visa is required for visitors to the U.S., only an updated passport. Visit major sites in Japan Travel
To help whet your appetite, the most popular attractions in Tokyo, Osaka, and Kyoto (all located on the island of Honshu, the largest island) include the following.

* Tokyo
Be prepared to go this fast-paced city of twelve million people from wear comfortable clothes and a good pair of hiking shoes. Tokyo, the capital, has hundreds of attractions worth visiting including the famous shopping and nightlife is known as the Ginza. Ueno Park, Meiji Shrine and Temple Sengakugi are signs you will not want to miss seeing.
For lovers of art, Mitsuo Aida Museum dedicated to the poet-calligrapher who lived from 1924-1991, will be a pleasure. Between 70 and 80 projects, as always exposed.

* Osaka
Nara Park is one of the most picturesque sights around Osaka. This clean, green houses a Buddhist temple with the largest statue of the great Buddha. Friendly and tame deer roam freely in the garden and you can buy food to feed them.
Osaka Castle, the symbol of Osaka, was built in the 16th century. The beautiful wall that surrounds the white castle is built with more than 40,000 stone cliffs.

* Kyoto
Although many tourists only think of Tokyo in Japan considering not neglect the most beautiful scenic cities of Japan, the ancient capital of Kyoto. With 2,000 temples and shrines, this city also has beautiful gardens and museums. Do not forget to visit the castle Nijo, designated as a historic site, Kinkakugi (The Golden Pavilion) and the old imperial palace where the royal family lived when Kyoto was the capital of the nation.
If you happen to be in Japan in autumn or spring, and you want a view of the Sakura (cherry blossoms) or autumn maple leaves, pay a visit to one of the most famous temples, Kiyomizu Temple.

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