Wednesday, October 13, 2010

All about : Spanish for Travelers

About Learning Spanish phrases for travelers is an essential part of planning and Exchange trip to Mexico, Spain or South America. Not only can you order the restaurants and find the restroom, but you get to know the people who live in cities you visit. Knowing that you took the time and effort "to learn a little language goes a long way to easing relations entre tourists and residents. Además, events can use a few words and phrases that allow visitors to interact and share ideas with people from different cultures.Spanish phrases for travelers: The Basics
You will find that many basic words in Spanish. Spanish, like French, Latin based STI, and many Español word is also derived from Latin.
Many letters are pronounced the same pronunciation in Spanish as they are in Español. The few exceptions are:
The i is pronounced like ee in beetu is like oo in loot Pronouncedand pronounced like the piece to eatPronounced as Wallis and kayaking in
Also, the "h" in Spanish is silent.Greetings
In Mexico and Spain, is considered good manners to greet a shopkeeper when entering a store and thank them when they leave. Also it is polite to greet the staff of the hotel front desk and the hostess at a restaurant when you arrive. Use the following:
Morning (Bway-dee-AHS us) - Good Morning, Good MorningGood Afternoon (Bway-tar-DEHS NaHS) - Good afternoonGoodnight (Bway-NEHS non chehs) - Helloplease (from FAH-Vohr) - PleaseThank (grahs-see-AHS) - Thanks

Spanish phrases for travelers: in a restaurant
At the table:the letter (Kahr-ta) - menua glass (VAH-SOH) - Glassfork (teh-Neh-Dohr) - forka knife (koo Chee Yoh) - Knifea towel (sehr-VEE-yeh-tah) - napkina shit (Koo-Chah-RAH) - Spoon

Drink:beer (CEHR - veh-seh) - Beerwine (VEE-no) - winedrink (BEH-bee-dah) - drinkwater (August-gwa) - WaterCoffee (Kah-FEH) - Coffee«Te (p) - tea
Food:cheese (Kay-so) - cheeseSeafood (pehs-Kah-doh mah-Rees-ee Kohs) - Fish and seafoodChicken (POH-Yoh) - ChickenMeat (Kahr-Neh) - meatLamb (Kohr-DEH-Roh - Lambvegetables (veh-HEH-tah-lehs) - Vegetablebeans or kidney beans (AH-Bahsas or free-HOH-lehs) - beansfruit (froo-Tah) - fruitbread (pahn) - Bread
Condiments:butter (man-teh-key-ah) - buttersalt (Sahl) - saltPepper (MYEHN-pee-tah) - PepperSugar »(ah-Soo-Kahr) - SugarThe vinaigre (Veen-egg-Reh) - vinegarlimon (Lee-moan) - Lemon

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