Thursday, October 14, 2010

All about : Mexico Travel Warning

You may not even know that there is a Mexico travel warning in force. After all, Mexico is definitely still a very safe travel destination. Especially when you consider how many people from the United States visit this nation every day without any incidents. Every day from visitors around the world enchanted by Mexico. Drawn like a magnet by the magic of natural beauty, great culture, and exquisite views of this fabulous country south of the border. Although your chances of serious problems in Mexico are very low, there are many things you can do to protect yourself while enjoying a wonderful vacation in paradise.About Mexico Travel Warning
The current travel warning issued by the U.S. Department of State on April 14, 2008 and ending on October 15, 2008. The violence associated with drug trafficking has caused this warning. U.S. citizens residing and traveling in Mexico are advised to exercise caution when in unfamiliar areas and be aware of their surroundings at all times. Although there is no evidence that U.S. citizens are specifically targeted, Mexican and foreigners have been attending have been injured or killed in some violent attacks.History and precautions
Dozens of U.S. citizens have been kidnapped in Mexico in recent years. Many of these cases remain unsolved. U.S. citizens should make every attempt to travel on main roads during the day. It is preferable for U.S. citizens to remain in well-known tourist destinations and tourist areas of cities with more adequate security. Tourists should always provide a path to a friend or family member not traveling with them. U.S. citizens should avoid traveling alone. Visitors to Mexico should avoid displaying large amounts of money in the future expensive jewelry or other valuables.Keeping it in perspective
The travel warning may sound harsh, but do not call the travel agent and cancel your vacation in Mexico just yet. This is the lowest form of travel information that the State Department issues. In fact, exactly the same warning already issued for the last three years. Mexico needs and wants as tourism, the country is doing a better job of protecting foreigners.Tourists are still very safe
Most of the violence in Mexico is directly related to drug cartels and authorities are trying to eliminate. Please note that absolutely no evidence of any innocent U.S. citizens are killed in random violence of the drug. Although much of the violence occurs in border cities, including Tijuana is much safer than the most dangerous cities in the United States. If you stay in major tourist destinations and do not put yourself at risk intentionally, your vacation will probably be excellent and without any incident.Ways to Protect Yourself in Mexico
Use common sense and caution during your vacation in Mexico. Many spring break vacationers and other travelers may want to let loose, but keep your wits about you and be responsible. Public consumption is tolerated and even encouraged in many tourist destinations in Mexico, but public drunkenness can easily lead to a sight and arrest. Also, travelers should be aware that you may not carry a gun with you to Mexico. The possession of a firearm, including ammunition can lead to a prison in Mexico. Never drive with a gun in your vehicle. This is one of the elements that military checkpoints are specifically looking for when you stop your vehicle.
More tips for safety in Mexico:

* Stay in well traveled areas.
Avoid driving at night and traveling alone.
* Do not drink and drive.
* Do not buy or use any illegal drugs.
* Do not look for the most remote camping or surfing beaches.
* The tourists who are drunk in public is also an easy mark for criminals.
* Do not keep all the money with you.
* Do not display obvious wealth with flashy jewelry.
o Do not put all your credit cards in one place.
o Do not carry large sums of cash.
Putting it all in perspective
Just because there is a Mexico travel warning does not mean the outcome should be overly concerned or worried about your vacation in Mexico. You can certainly ensure your safety in the exercise of certain key caution. Some simple steps you can take to increase your safety while in Mexico include holiday accommodation in well-traveled tourist areas, obeying all traffic laws and always act polite and to behave responsibly. Learn some basic Spanish phrases for travelers certainly will not hurt. These travel warnings Mexico are routine occurrences, so do not cancel trip to Mexico.

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