Wednesday, October 13, 2010

All about : Travel to France

Learn some French phrases for travelers is an essential part of planning any trip to France. The French sometimes have a reputation for being hostile to tourists. Preheat chilliest Parisian learning a few French phrases before you visit France. Knowing that you took the time and effort to learn some language, goes a long way to easing relations between residents and tourists. Moreover, even be able to use some words and phrases that allow visitors to interact and share ideas with people from different cultures.French phrases for travelers: The Basics
You will find that many words in French are familiar. French, and Spanish, is Latin based, and many English words are also derived from Latin.
Pronunciation Many letters are pronounced the same in French as in English. The few exceptions are:
Ch is pronounced like sh in shut.G, when before e, i, y is pronounced like g in a manger.G, when before a, o, u g is pronounced as in go.H is always silent in French.J is pronounced like s in pleasure.Qu is pronounced like k in kiss.The French r is rolled slightly.Greetings
In France, it is considered good manners to greet a shopkeeper when entering the store and thank them for leaving. It is also polite to greet the staff of the hotel front desk and the hostess at a restaurant when you arrive. Use the following:
Bonjour (bawngzhoor) - Good morning, Good morning, Good afternoonBonsoir (bawnsswahr) - HelloS'il vous plait (seel pleh VOO) - PleaseMerci (mehrsee) - ThanksAu Revoir (rervwahr ov) - Goodbye

French phrases for travelers: in a restaurant
At the table:La carte (shopping) - menu (in France, "menu" refers to a predefined menu of chef.Le verre (vehr) - GlassLe Couteau (kootoe) - KnifeLa serviette (sehrvyeht) - napkinLa Cuiller (kweeyay) - SpoonLa forchette (forshette) - fork
Drink:Une Biere (byehr) - BeerDu Vin (dew van) - wineDe l'eau (LOA der) - WaterDu cafe (kahfay) - CoffeeDu lait au café (kahfay o v) - coffee with half hot milkThe Du (Tay) - Tea
Food:Du fromage (frommazh) - cheeseDu Poisson (pwahssawng) - fishDu Poulet (poolay) - ChickenDe la viande (vyahngd) - meatDes pulses (laygewm) - VegetableDes fruits de mer (frwee mehr der) - SeafoodDu pain (pan) - BreadDe la salade (sahlahd) - Salad
Condiments:Du beurre (byehr) - butterDu SEL (sell) - saltDu poivre (pwahvr) - PepperDu Sucre (sewkr) - SugarDu vinaigre (veenehgr) - vinegarDu citron (seetrawng) - Lemon

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